Thursday, August 24, 2017

Fans From Finland Recreate Their Favourite Film “Game of Thrones” Scenes

Fans From Finland Recreate Their Favourite Film “Game of Thrones” Scenes

Humor, Funny Photos, Art Nude, Erotic • Web Vox

Fangirl Quest are Tiia Öhman and Satu Walden, two film fans of “Game of Thrones” from Helsinki, Finland. Fangirl Quest travel the world to find the real filming locations of the series. A photographer & a travel expert have spent four years travelling the world visiting and photographing...

Fangirl Quest are Tiia Öhman and Satu Walden, two film fans of “Game of Thrones” from Helsinki, Finland. Fangirl Quest travel the world to find the real filming locations of the series. A photographer & a travel expert have spent four years travelling the world visiting and photographing their favourite film and TV “Game of Thrones” locations.

“One of the courtyards was the original Winterfell in the show’s first season and several other scenes have been filmed all over the grounds, from both Robb Stark and Tywin Lannister‘s war camps to Brienne and Jamie climbing ashore on the Trident only to find some hanged bodies and three very belligerent Stark soldiers,” they wrote.

“The absolute highlight of our visit though was the Game of Thrones Archery experience. Getting to dress up in Stark family costumes and shoot an actual bow and arrow in the Winterfell courtyard? Pure awesomeness.”

Favourite, film, Game of Thrones, Girls, Recreate, Scenes

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