Friday, October 13, 2017

Guy Photoshops Himself Into Childhood Pics Of Young Self, And The Results Are Too Real

Guy Photoshops Himself Into Childhood Pics Of Young Self, And The Results Are Too Real

Photography, Art, Design • Photo Vide
How badly would you want to go back to your young days? Well, Montreal-based photographer Conor Nickerson, wanted it badly enough to actually do it. Not with a time machine though, but instead, with a Photoshop and quite a bit of patience.
“While looking through some old family photos, I...
How badly would you want to go back to your young days? Well, Montreal-based photographer Conor Nickerson, wanted it badly enough to actually do it. Not with a time machine though, but instead, with a Photoshop and quite a bit of patience.

“While looking through some old family photos, I wondered what it would it look like if tried to photoshop myself today into them,” Conor writes. “I gathered all the old hats and t-shirts that I could find and did my best to put myself into childhood moments which, aside from these photos, remain only a distant memory.”

Conor mentioned that the hardest bit was to match the quality of the photos from 1997-2005 to the current ones: “It involved a lot of blurring, sharpening, and noise to try to get it to look like an older photo.” But the results he achieved are so good that you’ll have a hard time finding any signs of Photoshop in them.

“Editing the pictures and looking at them so closely for so long takes a bit away from the shock value, but seeing the final images all together definitely is a bit strange! I feel like me and little me would have gotten along pretty alright.”

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Image source: Conor Nickerson


Image source: Conor Nickerson


Image source: Conor Nickerson


Image source: Conor Nickerson


Image source: Conor Nickerson


Image source: Conor Nickerson


Image source: Conor Nickerson


Image source: Conor Nickerson


Image source: Conor Nickerson


Image source: Conor Nickerson


Image source: Conor Nickerson
Childhood, Conor Nickerson, photoshopping, photoshops

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