Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Beautiful Art Nude by Yura Ionov

Beautiful Art Nude by Yura Ionov

Humor, Funny Photos, Art Nude • Web Vox

“Yura Ionov was born and raised in Moscow, a doctor by training. Photo began to get carried away in school, the first teacher was a father, an amateur photographer, the first camera “Smena.”
I know and professionally take pictures from 2010. Attended and attended retouching...
"Yura Ionov was born and raised in Moscow, a doctor by training. Photo began to get carried away in school, the first teacher was a father, an amateur photographer, the first camera "Smena."
I know and professionally take pictures from 2010. Attended and attended retouching courses, master classes and individual training with photographers and retouchers, whose vision and creativity inspires.
Now I use the Canon 5 d m III technique and a few glasses of the L line. Inspires the works of the photo classics, Lindberg, Avedon, Newton, Demarchelier, Penn, Roversi.
I work in the genres of fashion, nude art, emotional portrait, although I can shoot landscapes, objects and lavas. I am interested in fashion, art nude, style and form the taste.
Always in search of interesting people, like a beautiful body, emotions in the frame!" Yura Ionov

"Родился и вырос в Москве, по образованию медик. Фото начал увлекаться еще в школе, первый учитель был отец, фотограф любитель, первый фотоаппарат «Смена».
Осознано и профессионально фотографирую с 2010-го. Посещал и посещаю курсы по ретуши, мастер-классы и индивидуальное обучение у фотографов и ретушеров, чье видение и творчество вдохновляет.
Сейчас использую технику Canon 5 d m III и несколько стекол линейки L. Вдохновляет творчество классиков фотографии, Линдберг, Аведон, Ньютон, Демаршелье, Пенн, Роверси.
Работаю в жанрах фешн, ню арт, эмоциональный портрет, хотя могу снимать и пейзажи, предметку и лав стори. Интересуюсь модой, стилем формирую и развиваю вкус.
Всегда в поиске интересных лиц, нравятся красивое тело, эмоции в кадре!" - Юра Ионов

<img src="http://webvox.co/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/art-nude-yura-ionov-01.jpg" alt="Art Nude Yura Ionov 01" width="700" height="1049" 5148" />

<img src="http://webvox.co/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/art-nude-yura-ionov-02.jpg" alt="Art Nude Yura Ionov 02" width="700" height="1051" 5149" />

<img src="http://webvox.co/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/art-nude-yura-ionov-03.jpg" alt="Art Nude Yura Ionov 03" width="700" height="467" 5150" />

<img src="http://webvox.co/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/art-nude-yura-ionov-04.jpg" alt="Art Nude Yura Ionov 04" width="700" height="476" 5151" />

<img src="http://webvox.co/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/art-nude-yura-ionov-05.jpg" alt="Art Nude Yura Ionov 05" width="700" height="1051" 5152" />

<img src="http://webvox.co/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/art-nude-yura-ionov-06.jpg" alt="Art Nude Yura Ionov 06" width="700" height="1051" 5153" />

<img src="http://webvox.co/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/art-nude-yura-ionov-07.jpg" alt="Art Nude Yura Ionov 07" width="700" height="466" 5154" />

<img src="http://webvox.co/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/art-nude-yura-ionov-08.jpg" alt="Art Nude Yura Ionov 08" width="700" height="787" 5155" />

<img src="http://webvox.co/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/art-nude-yura-ionov-09.jpg" alt="Art Nude Yura Ionov 09" width="700" height="1051" 5156" />

<img src="http://webvox.co/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/art-nude-yura-ionov-10.jpg" alt="Art Nude Yura Ionov 10" width="700" height="525" 5157" />

<img src="http://webvox.co/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/art-nude-yura-ionov-11.jpg" alt="Art Nude Yura Ionov 11" width="700" height="1037" 5158" />

<img src="http://webvox.co/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/art-nude-yura-ionov-12.jpg" alt="Art Nude Yura Ionov 12" width="700" height="525" 5159" />

<img src="http://webvox.co/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/art-nude-yura-ionov-13.jpg" alt="Art Nude Yura Ionov 13" width="700" height="1051" 5160" />

<img src="http://webvox.co/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/art-nude-yura-ionov-14.jpg" alt="Art Nude Yura Ionov 14" width="700" height="933" 5161" />

<img src="http://webvox.co/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/art-nude-yura-ionov-15.jpg" alt="Art Nude Yura Ionov 15" width="700" height="1049" 5162" />

<img src="http://webvox.co/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/art-nude-yura-ionov-16.jpg" alt="Art Nude Yura Ionov 16" width="700" height="1051" 5163" />

<img src="http://webvox.co/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/art-nude-yura-ionov-17.jpg" alt="Art Nude Yura Ionov 17" width="700" height="1057" 5164" />

<img src="http://webvox.co/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/art-nude-yura-ionov-18.jpg" alt="Art Nude Yura Ionov 18" width="700" height="1049" 5165" />

<img src="http://webvox.co/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/art-nude-yura-ionov-19.jpg" alt="Art Nude Yura Ionov 19" width="700" height="1051" 5166" />

<img src="http://webvox.co/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/art-nude-yura-ionov-20.jpg" alt="Art Nude Yura Ionov 20" width="700" height="1075" 5167" />

<img src="http://webvox.co/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/art-nude-yura-ionov-21.jpg" alt="Art Nude Yura Ionov 21" width="700" height="935" 5168" />

<img src="http://webvox.co/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/art-nude-yura-ionov-22.jpg" alt="Art Nude Yura Ionov 22" width="700" height="468" 5169" />

<img src="http://webvox.co/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/art-nude-yura-ionov-23.jpg" alt="Art Nude Yura Ionov 23" width="700" height="1051" 5170" />

<img src="http://webvox.co/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/art-nude-yura-ionov-24.jpg" alt="Art Nude Yura Ionov 24" width="700" height="1050" 5171" />

<img src="http://webvox.co/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/art-nude-yura-ionov-25.jpg" alt="Art Nude Yura Ionov 25" width="700" height="933" 5172" />
Art, Art Nude, nude, Yura Ionov, ню

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