Thursday, September 28, 2017

Corp Gear: Corporate Logos Turned into Weapons

Corp Gear: Corporate Logos Turned into Weapons

Humor, Funny Photos, Art Nude • Web Vox
New York-based artist Tom Galle is well-known for his interpretive, boundary-pushing art, and he’s continuing his creative commentary on pop culture with his latest project, Corp Gear.
The edgy undertaking sees him turning some of the most prevalent brand logos into sleek pieces of weaponry,...
New York-based artist Tom Galle is well-known for his interpretive, boundary-pushing art, and he’s continuing his creative commentary on pop culture with his latest project, Corp Gear.
The edgy undertaking sees him turning some of the most prevalent brand logos into sleek pieces of weaponry, including knives, brass knuckles, and even throwing stars.

The golden arches get transformed into brass knuckles you’d consider using on someone you have beef with, and the Facebook ‘F’ icon is a crowbar suitable for someone you dislike.

Would you just do it with a ‘Nike Knife’, or defend your burger with ‘McDonald’s Brass Knuckles’?

More info: Official Website, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr

McDonalds Brass Knuckles

Corporate Logos Weapons 1Corporate Logos Weapons 2

Nike Knife

Corporate Logos Weapons 3Corporate Logos Weapons 4

Facebook Crowbar

Corporate Logos Weapons 5Corporate Logos Weapons 6

Mercedes Ninja Star

Corporate Logos Weapons 7Corporate Logos Weapons 8
logo, logos, Tom Galle, weapons

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