Sunday, February 19, 2017

Bad Girl Mugshots From Between The 1940s And 1960s

Bad Girl Mugshots From Between The 1940s And 1960s

Best Entertainment and Video Magazine • Photo Vide

From murderers, thieves and hookers, these are the faces of the many who were captured on camera at the lowest points of their lives. And while many people would say mugshots of the past hold a certain curiosity, one man confesses what started as an initial fascination turned into an obsession. Mark Michaelson has collected more than 10,000 photographs of men and women of all races and ages, taken after their run-ins with the law.

More info: Collectors Weekly (h/t:

The New York-based art director and graphic designer said he has always been drawn to ‘Wanted’ posters, but noted when he came across his first mugshot, ‘it was love at first sight,’ according to Collectors Weekly.

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