Monday, May 15, 2017

Dad Turns Kids Toy Cars Into Mad Max Fury Road Vehicles

Dad Turns Kids Toy Cars Into Mad Max Fury Road Vehicles

Photography, Art, Design • Photo Vide

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Glendale, California director and father Ian Pfaff took it upon himself to turn his kids’ (Junior and Benji) Little Tykes Cozy Coupe toy cars into intimidating looking Mad Max: Fury Road vehicles.
Ian used any spare parts that he could...
Glendale, California director and father Ian Pfaff took it upon himself to turn his kids’ (Junior and Benji) Little Tykes Cozy Coupe toy cars into intimidating looking Mad Max: Fury Road vehicles.
Ian used any spare parts that he could get his hands on, from old computer junk to parts from an espresso machine, to create the two bad ass looking cars.

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