Monday, July 31, 2017

Colombian Daredevil Dog Skydives For Military Training

Colombian Daredevil Dog Skydives For Military Training

Photography, Art, Design • Photo Vide
To finish his studies and start an official service in the search and rescue unit of the Colombian Air Force, the military working dog Seará had to jump off the ramp from a height of 14,000 feet in the sky.
Imagine if you were a dog. Suddenly, 14,000 feet sound much more complicated, if...
To finish his studies and start an official service in the search and rescue unit of the Colombian Air Force, the military working dog Seará had to jump off the ramp from a height of 14,000 feet in the sky.
Imagine if you were a dog. Suddenly, 14,000 feet sound much more complicated, if you're only three feet, no? Enter Ciara, I drink, which not only defeated the sky, but also almost closed my eyelids while she did it. One year (!) The Belgian malinois is a member of the crack of the Columbia Search and Rescue Team, and she has just finished training. Someone brings her a mortar!

Oliver Emig / Solent News
Oliver Emig / Solent News
Oliver Emig / Solent News
Oliver Emig / Solent News

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