Saturday, July 22, 2017

Dive In And Join The Chaos – If You Can Find Any Water Left In These Crowded Swimming Pools

Dive In And Join The Chaos – If You Can Find Any Water Left In These Crowded Swimming Pools

Photography, Art, Design • Photo Vide
Extraordinary photographs show thousands of holidaymakers with rubber rings packed in water parks to cool in the deadly heat of 50C in China. Hundreds of swimmers swinging in multi-colored rubber rings compete for a place in chaotic scenes in the Nanchang basin in Jiangxi province in eastern...
Extraordinary photographs show thousands of holidaymakers with rubber rings packed in water parks to cool in the deadly heat of 50C in China. Hundreds of swimmers swinging in multi-colored rubber rings compete for a place in chaotic scenes in the Nanchang basin in Jiangxi province in eastern China.

h / t: thesun

maginechina / Rex Features / Shutterstock
maginechina / Rex Features / Shutterstock
maginechina / Rex Features / Shutterstock
maginechina / Rex Features / Shutterstock
maginechina / Rex Features / Shutterstock
maginechina / Rex Features / Shutterstock
maginechina / Rex Features / Shutterstock
maginechina / Rex Features / Shutterstock
maginechina / Rex Features / Shutterstock
maginechina / Rex Features / Shutterstock
Chaos, Crowded, Dive, Find, Join, Left, Pools, swimming, water

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