Monday, July 3, 2017

10+ Best Pics From The Best Photoshop Battles Ever

10+ Best Pics From The Best Photoshop Battles Ever

Web Vox
Over the years, we have shown quite a few battles for Photoshop, from fighters hawks and rugby on dress Queen of England but this time we bring you a collection of the best Photoshop fights that the Internet can offer. Compiled by the boys in Bored Panda the list below shows photos before and after some of our favorite PS battles that have ever been played. But which one is the absolute winner for you? Let us know in the comments!

1 German Shepherd on Ice

Source of the image: Smilodon-Fatalis The jskoker

2 Trump trying to close his pen

Source of the image: janlaureys9 Summer

3 This rescued lazybird

Source of the image: The vinevicious 2Thebreeze

4 This war hawk

Source of the image: Lizardking1967 Lizardking1967

5 Just a minute of your time, sir

Image source: pastafariangymnast [19459003 [194590] bears_with_chainsaws

6 Screaming Llama

Source of the image: Darkvastin ] davepollotart

7 Hugh Jackman looks out the window of the car

Source of the image: Navinox97 NeverCallMeFifi

8 These happy gate

The source of the image SkulkiBones

9 Donald Trump in the dressing gown

Image source: OMGLMAOWTF_com santorumsandwich

10 Their expression says all this

] Image source: discovicke SirCalvin

11 A Quokka Photobombing A Selfie

12 Capybara with some monkey squirrels

[Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image ]

13 Cat flowing down the sofa

Source of the image:

The cat that flows down the sofa

14 Frog with snails on head, reminiscent of Princess Leia

15 Fox The Smell The Flower

] Source of the image: JavaReallySucks RexLeou [194590] 08] 16 This Gecko Strumming Leaf Source of the image: Dusty_clit Dudeski021

17 This Alpaca, judging your ability to drive

] Source of the image: Faunstein DeathSludge

18 Leonardo DiCaprio, hiding from the Paparazzi

Source of the image: Felix0900 Cmatthewman

19 Guilty Leopard

Source of the image: Duderino732 -doitforjohnny-

20 Bird Kicking Bird

] [19459 Source of the image: Eric2579 do_u_even_lift_m8

21 2 Dogs Hugging

Source of the image: ahaha_69

22 This dog makes a funny face

Source of the image: Bozelo st0l1

23 Mr. Seal Your

Source of the image: rocklou itsTourched

24 Happy Dog Image source: aturnernator Sreyware

25 I need this city

Source of the image: bladexngt ndmweb

26 The bird on the space heater

27 Cat in the hemp

27 Cat in the hemp

28 George W. Bush at the opening ceremony

] Source of the image: rotzooi DjugdishGeorge W Bush at the inauguration of Trump


30 This handmade avocado

This is a hand-made avocado

This is a hand-made avocado


31 This is the first time that this was the case, An unflattering picture of Donald Trump

Source of the image: LZMRaul workingat7

32 This girl sits on the verge of

Image Source: Realkektus artunitinc

Source of the image: dingdong22221 porkchop-sandwhiches

34 Source of the image: acslator Slumber_Naut [1945]

] Sources Images: yungwurms yungwurms

36 The dog in the tree

The image source : _korbendallas_ Kweeveen

37 Pink flamingos on the river T.

Image source: SheepCantFly 2Thebreezes

38 You will learn respect.

] 39 This dog with three chopsticks

] 39 This dog with three chopsticks

40 The Canadian Prime Minister Justin

40 Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Hesitating to Shake Donald Trump&39;s Hand

Source of the image: cleantoe Iumkunii

41 Seller

Source of the image: unknown

42 Draw me ...

Source of the image: The zeeeeera The HongKongBong

43 This squirrel does a super heroic pose

Source of the image: FlamingoShame FlamingoShame

44 Surprise

Source of the image: Taydid Unknown

45 There is no more third wheel

Source of the image: amayonazin G chris2315

46 Perfect Pear Butt Photoshop Battle

Source of the image: ] WantMyNameBack

47 Creation of a tortoise

The source of the image :

48 Breaking Tad

Source of the image: Reddit DrWankalot

49 Justin Trudeau waving before the graduates

The source of the images santorumsandwich Scoped043

50 Oh Hell No

The source of the image : The QueensCompanion shopdude

51 This Edge Border Collie

Source of the image : WeighWord xenophilius9

52 This Cheery Opossum

Source of the image: DrUnnecessary DrUnnecessary [1 9459008] 53 Poker Face
Source of the image: ] Jesushedgehog [19459 -doitforjohnny-

54 Dograffe

Source of the image: ilovetuckamer sufganiyah

55 This multi-user cat

Source of the image: Cosie123 WetCoastLife

] 56 Cats in front of the window

Source of the image: lukalucasluka DrWankalot ]

57 Let&39;s switch roles

Source of the image: gr8banter [1 9459003] Rammy25

58 Just Hangin & 39;

Source of the image: SittingInTheDark Mal3ficent

59 A pair of rhinoceroses just reminded To me both lovers walking in the rain from the picture of the rustle of the rain of Leonid Afremov

Source of the image: Companion of the Guild team_meh

60 Smooth Criminal

Source of the image: X4ntoZ ] The shopdude

61 A man holding a hot dog, as if he just won the award

62 We will fight with them on the ] Beaches and monkey bars!

Source of the image: ramibhs Britestoan

63 Snakeosaurus

64 Devastated Elmo

65 This newly caught by Hogfish

66 ZZ Top

Source of the image: Banan 67 Walk of Obama and Biden from the White House
Source of the image:


68 Fedex Man Extinguishes Burning American Flags

Source Images: sm0kie420 sm0kie420

69 This is the face of the child in the magnifying plate

Image source: DIA13OLICAL just_a_ps

70 Happy Quokka With A Stick

[194590019] Source of the image: The hero of the war

1945 The hero of the war
RexLeou ] Image source: DrSuperZonic DrSuperZonic

72 Oh no, you did not!

Source of the image: Shrellex MsElsaMar

73 The jackdaw on the feeding trough for Birds

74 The dog regrets that he has not been able to see the birds, Playing with his big brother

Source of the image: OnEGaMeR workingat7

75 Serpent, which is white after 1945, 1945

Source of the image: eriknstr domdomburg

77 Angry Kitty

[ImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImage[1 9459001]

78 This cat, thirsting for attention.

78 This cat, hungry for attention

Image Source: hotdutchovens RexLeou

79 A Bird With

80 Nose of the Swap
Image of the NatnissKeverdeen The BlueMacaw

Source of the image

Source of the image: PM_ME_FUN_PICTURES

82 A Guinean pig wearing a police suit

Image source:

83 Glass Cat

The source of the image : citizen_collective cozNeffect

84 These blue pigeons

Source To the image: ramibhs Phuongy

85 Cats walking in the Japanese area

86 Beluga at the wedding

[Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image ] Image source: FishMcBite albo_underhill

87 When the hell freezes over

] Source of the image: Marmite-Badger Supreme_doge_was_ere

88 Little Baby Sloth On A

] Image Source: reddit Jebsticles

89 Grumpy Cat&39;s Source of the image : Mishef RexLeou

] 90 Drop the bone and let me warn you?

Source of the image: Source of the image:

91 the youngest was an awkward time for us all


92 Believe me, I&39;m a dog ...

Source of the image: funny-lookin-spot SamCeladon

93 Happy Leonardo Dicaprio

Source of the image: are-you-really- [194590 RexLeou

94 Onions in front of the wise great horned meat

Source of the image: Eviljim bazoid

95 This kid is riding his scooter on the train

Image source :
Source of the image: [Image not found.] ] 1945 "Fox and the Dog" Source of the image: guard

Source of the image: r_plantae Akh

99 A man in a T-Rex suit crying in the rain

The source of the image : GladiatorJustin PM_ME_FUN_PICTURES

100 This pug is horrified that it takes off its nails

101 This tortoise is about to eat

This turtle is about to eat

Image source: i_hate_kazoos Midnightbacon46

102 Very happy photomask Fox

Source of the image: JavaReallySucks ] unknown


[103] [194590019]

104 Too soon

Image source: JamJiggy myphotoshopaccount

105 Couple enjoying the state fair of the state of Minnesota

106 A colorful lizard holding a twig

A picture of a colorful lizard holding a twig
A picture of a colorful lizard holding a branch

107 A dog on stilts


108 When the schedule did not lead the age

109 Sourdough

/ / / [194

110 Cat Hanging On Pipes

111 Samurai Warrior Dog

There are no translations available. Imag Source: fezzyboobookins Erratic85

112 Caterpillar Posing while holding the blade of grass

Source of the image: ChekaServices ChildofValhalla

113 The fast way to the right

Source of the image: JJsCat megfinder

114 This eggplant with

115 Happy Puppy Running /

Source of the image: JavaReallySucks Astaroth217909

116 For The Wedding

Источник изображения: Coolman_Express Fey_fox

117 Среднее вдохновение для вставк и

Источник изображения: wheresthecookie sntbaum

118 Неизвестный противник Брюса Ли

Источник изображения: theceilingstar ThrowawayAcc133

119 Кошка, носящая человеческую челюсть как сувенир

Источник изображения: houston_wehaveaprblm senjafuda

120 Скумбрия с открытым ртом

Источник изображения: 2Thebreezes vinnydeuces

121 Duck With Bur

Источник изображения: GallowBoob volptar

122 Take

Источник изображения: DamianBod 2Thebreezes

123 Мама Кошка и ее котенок

Источник изображения: Okeano_ RexLeou

124 Did It Solo

Источник изображения: r0ryb0ryalis НовинкиКарты

125 Angry Birds [1 9459009] Источник изображения: SirQuestion evil-i

126 Нет Чим Белого Преступника на ралли

Источник изображения: Slacker_The_Dog Andrigaar

127 Сидя на краю

Источник изображения: GlutenTag RexLeou

128 Speeder Sheep

Источник изображения: nothinnew2 taeye86

129 Beatlemania

Источник изображения: notmygopher xprmntng

130 Предложение

Источник изображения: Qman1198 inf0dump

131 Возвращает воспоминания

Источник изображения: Khatjal workingat7

132 A Little Hat Corgi

Источник изображения: LyyK MsElsaMars

133 Мальчик в 1950-х годах, показывающий свою пушку

Источник изображения: Noerdy njslc

134 Blue Cotton Candy Сахарная высокая девочка

Источник изображения: itslikethatman

135 Dogfather

Источник изображения: dingo-sniper thescribbleher

136 Самурай Хэмилл

GallowBoob WetCoastLife

137 Cape Canaveral

Источник изображения: the_panda0704 Elelegante101

138 Этот Кенгуру Чувство Откровения Aussie Sunshine

Источник изображения: yummycoot Djugdish

139 Морской пехотинец США в рюкзак

Источник изображения: Secret_Squire1 dr_m4d_skillz

140 Сова питьевого сока

Источник изображения: _korbendallas_ GUANTATDT

141 Этот медведь прекрасно позиционируется в Fro

Источник изображения: Old_Breadbones CrowHH

142 Воздушный вид реки, бегущей по пустыне Намиб

Источник изображения: TheAndrewBen xprmntng

143 Три собаки, разделяющие одно отделение

Источник изображения: 966socho i_am_a_bot_ama

144 Ловля рыбы

Источник изображения: fitlit5lyf

145 Это прекрасная маленькая вещь

Источник изображения: OfficialDampSquid santorumsandwic H

146 Medic!

Источник изображения: eyl327 Phallic

147 Professional Synchronize Plimmer

Источник изображения: ThatTrashBaby Mr_EggRoll

148 Теперь это искусство

Источник изображения: eselekt Creedelback

149 This Japanese Greasers Hair

Image source: ZeroHit CptSasquatch

150 Psycho

Image source: rocklouevil- i

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