Monday, July 3, 2017

10+ Hilarious Product Tags And Instructions

10+ Hilarious Product Tags And Instructions

Web Vox

Most of us don’t really take the time to pay careful attention to the product instructions we receive when purchasing an item – however, you should. If not for the instructions themselves, at least for the hidden easter eggs.

Here we present you a bunch of the funniest instructions and tags that you’ll be glad you bothered to read. Some of them are so obvious and stupid they’ll make you question where humanity is going. Others are so unexpectedly smart and witty, they will surprise you with their originality. One thing is for sure, most of them will put a smile on your face.

(h/t: boredpanda)

#1 The Only Reason We Read These Anymore

Image source: imasickcunt

#2 This Top-gear T-shirt Label

Image source: Bobble_

#3 The Instructions For My New Dog Shampoo

Image source: wxs11

#4 Clothing Label

Image source: 

#5 This Is The Better Kind Of Clothing Label

Image source: somethingwithanne

#6 This Hoodie’s Tag Has Life Instructions

Image source: reddit

#7 Best Lotion Instructions Ever?

Image source: itscuzimrussian

#8 Hand Towel Dispenser Instructions.

Image source: imgur

#9 I Hate Shirts With Complicated Wash Instructions

Image source: imgur

#10 My Friend Was Putting Together Her Furniture And This Was In The Instructions

Image source: kimberlyann_92

#11 Instructions For My New Undies, Just In Case…

Image source: reddit

#12 These Chopstick Instructions

Image source: jetdude19

#13 Bought This Shirt Today And Looked At The Tag…

Image source: perpetualpez

#14 Really Helpful Instructions On This Shirt

Image source: fpantsrock

#15 Accurate Soup Instructions

Image source: Statussilver

#16 Directions On My New Shampoo Bottle

Image source: heresjoanie

#17 These Are The Instructions On My Body Wash

Image source: Rasortis

#18 What Are The Most Confusing Product Instructions You’ve Ever Seen?

Image source: ForeverAReposter

#19 Do Not Feed After Midnight

Image source: unknown.

#20 The Instructions For This Furniture Tell Me To Grab A Beer

Image source: culb77

#21 Directions: Men Don’t Need Directions

Image source: libamonkey

#22 I Was Checking My Wife’s New Mug For Dishwasher Instructions When I Found A Handy Tip From The Manufacturer

Image source: 976chip

#23 But It Looks So Delicious

Image source: Stonebag93

#24 Interesting Clothing Tag

Image source: unknown.

#25 Instructions Unclear…

Image source: BanMePls

#26 Never Noticed This On The Back Of The Cards Against Humanity Instructions

Image source: buffalopete

#27 I Would Have If You Didn’t Warn Me

Image source: betelgeux

#28 A Friend Of Mine Read The Warning Label On His Pants Today

Image source: Roflattack

#29 Honest Medication Instructions

Image source: rb612

#30 Smoke Grenade Instructions…

Image source: imgur

#31 Just Noticed The Instructions On My Shorts

Image source: imgur

#32 This Junk Mail Came With Instructions

Image source: High_int_no_wis

#33 A Page In My Ikea Instruction Manual Told Me To Throw Out One Of The Parts

Image source: Skeletbossen

#34 The Heating Instructions For This Cookie Made Me Chuckle

Image source: reddit

#35 1962 Honda Riding Instructions

Image source: flrachael

#36 How Many Vaginas Do They Think I Have?

Image source: imgur

#37 Instructions On This Card Are Recursive

Image source: marvuozz

#38 Go See A Doctor

Image source: unknown.

#39 Or Give It To Your Mother

Image source: imgur

#40 Instructions Clear

Image source: Thisisvisuallypleasing

#41 Instructions Not Clear

Image source: ribitforce

#42 Man For Toaster Instructions That’s Pretty Specific

Image source: Jsiegel31

#43 Warning

Image source: unknown.

#44 Instructions In The Bathroom Of The Miniature Golf Course I Just Played

Image source: ummmwut123

#45 On The Instructions Of My Hairdryer…

Image source: ryanev

#46 Instructions

Image source: unknown.

#47 This Caught My Attention When Reading The Tag For My Baby’s Swim Diaper

Image source: Jl889

#48 Instructions To Attach A Space Shuttle To The 747 Carrier Aircraft. You Have To Love Nasa’s Sense Of Humor

Image source: imgur

#49 Thank God For Instructions

Image source: imgur

#50 Ipod Shuffle

Image source: unknown.

#51 A Tag On One Of The Shirts I Got For Christmas

Image source: Awwhellznaa

#52 Personal Care Instructions

Image source: 

#53 Instructions Unclear

Image source: pandaroni

#54 For External Use Only

Image source: unknown.

#55 The Instructions For My New Bike Lamp Seem To Be Threatening Me…

Image source: elnege

#56 Instructions Unclear. Literally.

Image source: RockstarKan

#57 Instructions On A Salad Dressing Dispenser Found In A Charity Shop. I Have No Idea.

Image source: AlistairColeman

#58 Instructions Level: Military

Image source: nmc94

#59 Who’s The Idiot That Made This Warning Label Necessary?

Image source: smileykylie1128

#60 Behave Like An Animal

Image source: unknown.

#61 Puma Instructions

Image source: 

#62 When The Instructions Give You Sass…

Image source: the_desert_fox

#63 Do Not

Image source: 

#64 Funny Instructions

Image source: unknown.

#65 Please Read Instructions Carefully

Image source: burntbanana

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