Monday, July 3, 2017

Guy Collects 35 Bags Of Trash On The Beach, Turns It Into Art

Guy Collects 35 Bags Of Trash On The Beach, Turns It Into Art

Web Vox
Back in April, Rob Arnold of Rame Peninsula Beach Care went on a regular walk on the usually beautiful beach of Tregantle, UK, but instead Calming landscape, he found a blanket of microplastics covering the entire coastline.
"I'm pretty used to this because I've been doing this for four years, but as it was this time, I was a shock to me, it was in despair," Rob said Cornwall Alive . "I really felt that he went too far, and it might be too late to clean it, but I thought that we could try. It was like the ocean tore it up and presented it to us, and I felt that it was our duty to clean it. "
So, Rob started cleaning, and with the help of local volunteers he managed to collect about 35 garbage bags, among which he found a battalion of plastic toy soldiers, a collection of tanks and LEGO liners and much more. Random artifacts, most of which are made of plastic.
But when Rob collects all this from the beach, it does not just end. To make the problem of the destruction of our oceans become more visible, he turns garbage, which he finds in art, that you can now see at an exhibition in the Liskird Museum. This is part of the exhibition "The Plastic Age", which also features materials from Tracey Williams from Lego Lost at Sea, Michel Costello from "Smile covers" on the beach and Louise Sali from Treasures Beach, Trinkets and Trash.
(h / t: reddit )

This is what Rob Arnold found while visiting the normally beautiful beach of Tregantle

Blanket made of micro-plastics covering the coastline

So, Rob and a group of volunteers started cleaning ...

And in one day they managed to get 35 sacks of garbage

"I'm pretty used to this, because I've been doing this for four years, but as it was this time, I was a shock to me, it was desperate"

Among the garbage Rob found all kinds of things, most of which were plastic

Like a battalion of toy soldiers

And the collection of fins LEGO

Everyone who gets a new life in the hands of Rob, who is also a local artist on the side

Who turns garbage found on beaches into artistic sculptures

which are now exhibited in the exposition "Plastic Age" in the Liskird Museum

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