Monday, July 3, 2017

The Brilliant, Provocative Trump Ad That Had Cannes And Social Media Buzzing

The Brilliant, Provocative Trump Ad That Had Cannes And Social Media Buzzing

Web Vox

This is the work of the German agency Scholz & Friends for the newspaper Der Tagesspiegel. A delightful visual trick that wittyly draws into the client's product to attract your attention was scored by a gold lion and two silver lions at the Cannes Film Festival this year in the category "Print and on the street."

On the cover there is the elongated face of Donald Trump with the title: "Will he intimidate his way into the White House?"

Matthias Spattengens, Chief Creative Officer of Scholz & Friends in Berlin, said Adweek
"As you can imagine, last year's elections in the US were one of the biggest topics in Germany ... Our task was to discuss this issue and at the same time inextricably link it with The actual product itself. Thus, we ended up not showing anything but a photograph filled with the newspaper of the newspaper - [that] clearly marked this topic. "

Additional information: Adweek (h / t: designtaxi )

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